Terms of Service

North American Coin Exchange, LLC. has a primary focus on simplifying the management of precious metals portfolios. The direction, recommendations and advice given to each individual is based on that client’s unique goals and needs, but the final decision on any transaction rests solely with the client. The precious metals industry is unregulated, and like any investment strategy, carries inherent risk. Many factors are considered in the evaluation process of each portfolio. The information on this platform should be used for educational and informational purposes only, due to fluid market conditions, spot price fluctuations, and a complicated supply and demand market. We are a consulting firm, and wholesale sourcing company. All products, images and information contained herein have been gathered and consolidated using content that exists in the public domain, and we make no representation of any proprietary information or products to be bought or sold, and no infringement of any other trademark or copyrighted content shall occur on this platform. The information reflected in this forum is a consolidation of documented facts and figures, with our informed intuition and professional knowledge of the market, and certain personalized data is to remain confidential between ourselves and our clients.